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Enjoy our specially curated sampler of six (6) different Drogo roasts!


We try to include two light, two medium, and two dark roasts in each coffee sampler. If you have any particular coffees in mind that you would be interested in trying, let us know with a "Note" at check-out. Also, please let us know if you have any food/herb allergies in the same section at check-out so we are sure to avoid including those. Our Rock the Catbox coffee, any seasonal roasts not currently available, limited edition coffees, and/or coffees currently marked as sold-out are excluded from our sampler.


Each sampler will be roasted to order to ensure freshness, containing enough coffee to make about two to three medium pots of coffee... that is unless you're a beast and need to brew coffee that can peel paint from the walls. ;)


We personally suggest choosing the Whole Bean option to try out different brewing methods with different roasts, but we do now offer grinding options for our coffee sampler! Due to the nature of assembly for our coffee sampler, a $5 fee is added for grinding.


Coffee Sampler

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